Analysts and consensus overview

Analysts covering the ProCredit Holding share

Institute Analyst Date Recommendation Target price (EUR)
Edison Milosz Papst 20 August 2024 N/A 15.25
Pareto Securities Knud Hinkel 15 August 2024 Buy 16.40
Warburg Marius Fuhrberg 15 August 2024 Buy 20.00

Please note: This list may not be complete. We will update this list regularly, but undertake no obligation to do so. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts on ProCredit Holding’s performance are not opinions, estimates or forecasts of ProCredit Holding or its management. ProCredit Holding accepts no liability for, nor does it guarantee the contents of, such opinions, estimates or forecasts. By publishing the list above, ProCredit Holding does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with the information contained therein, in particular the conclusions or recommendations established on that basis. Should you have any interest, please obtain copies of reports by any of the listed analysts directly from the analysts or their firms.


Consensus overview

Average 2024E Number of estimates 2025E Number of estimates 2026E Number of estimates
Profit after tax (EUR million) 106.7 3 121.1 3 142.7 3
RoE 10.5% 3 11.1% 3 12.0% 3
Loan portfolio growth 9.4% 3 11.2% 3 11.0% 3
EPS (reported) (EUR) 1.81 3 2.06 3 2.42 3
DPS (EUR) 0.62 3 0.67 3 0.80 3
BVPS (EUR) 17.8 3 19.3 3 21.1 3

Please note: The consensus estimates published hereinafter are arithmetic averages and are based on the most recent estimates submitted by various financial analyst using a standardized template. The financial analysts are unrelated to ProCredit Holding or its affiliates and the estimates for ProCredit Holding are only those of the respective analysts, not those of ProCredit Holding or its management board. ProCredit Holding has not verified any of the information it has received and none of ProCredit Holding, its managers and employees make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to, or accept any responsibility for, the accuracy or completeness of the presented information or otherwise endorse or concur with any of the consensus estimates. ProCredit Holding does not assume any responsibility to update, revise or supplement such information. The publication is not mandatory and is provided for information purposes only. It does not intend to give investment advice nor does it constitute any solicitation to buy hold or sell securities or other financial instruments issued by ProCredit Holding.